The family tree 

A family tree is a representation of a family, its members or relatives like father, mother, children and more; we can find the roots of a family by using this tree. So, dear student be ready to draw your family tree. Look at the picture.


                                Cossa’s family tree



Dear student, notice the lines that connect the boxes! Now, read the explanation:

two boxes connected with a horizontal line = married

the children are represented with a vertical line from your parents.

Now, listen and repeat the description of Cossa family tree:

Script 4:

Abel Cossa is married to Maria. They are husband and wife. They have got one son and two daughters. Their names are: Tony, Camila and Anita. Tony is married to Sara and they have got one son - Carlos and one daughter-Carla. Anita is married to Alex and have got two daughters-Ana, Melita and one son-Paulo. Sara is daughter-in-law and Alex is son-in-law. Carla, Carlos, Ana, Paulo and Melita are grandchildren. Melita is Paulo’s sister. Carla is Ana’s cousin. Alex is Carla’s uncle. Sara is Melita’s aunt. Sara is Camila’s sister-in-law. Alex is Tony’s brother-in-law. 

Repeat the listening if necessary.

Questions Answers

What’s your father’s name? 

What’s your mother’s name? 

Have you got any brothers and sisters? 

How many brothers / sisters have you got? 

How old is your sister / brother?                                                                                                  My father’s name is_________ 

My mother’s name is________ 

Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. 

I have got one brother / two sisters.

My sister / brother is 17 years old.

Grammar focus

Look at these sentences:

Cossa’s family tree = the family tree of Cossa   Mozambique’s flag = the flag of Mozambique   Melita is Paulo’s sister = Melita is sister of Paulo; Maria is Abel’s wife = the wife of Abel is Maria; this is Sandra’s car = the car of Sandra.

The apostrophe‘s shows a possession. 


Possessive forms

a) We use ‘s for names: This is Dany’s room.

b) A singular noun ending -s can take only ’ or ’s

This is Gomes’ book.    This is Gomes’s book.

c) A plural noun ending -s takes only ’

The boys’ room. The Moyos’ house.

Remember to read these explanations every time that you have doubt.

Possessive adjectives

Subject pronouns Possessive adjectives Example

I My My name is…

you Your Your mother…

he His His name is …

she Her Her bag is big.

it Its This battery is heavy…its weight is 1kg.

we Our We visit our friends after school.

they Their Their sister is a nurse.


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