
Discuss the following statements

1.     Hip hop singers are people who never go to school.

2.     Hip hop promotes violence among young people and should be banned in our country.


3.4.2. Vocabulary

Make sentences using the following words.

1.     Background ______________________________

2.     Hip hop _________________________________

3.     Music ___________________________________

4.     Revelation _______________________________


3.4.3. Grammar

Reported speech

Reported speech (also referred to as ‘indirect speech’) is used to report something someone has said.

e.g. Azagaia: I listened to all sorts of music.

>Azagaia said that he had listened to all sorts of music.


Direct speech

Present simple

‘It’s cold’, she said.


Past simple

‘I went to a concert’, he said.


Present perfect

‘They have been to Maputo’, said the girl



‘They will listen to the song,’ peter said.


Reported speech

Past simple

>She said that it was cold.


Past perfect

>he said that he had gone to a concert.


>the girls said that they had been to Maputo.



>peter said that they would listen to the song.

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