
Before you start reading the text below discuss the following statements about teenagers.

1.     Today’s teenagers are care free.

2.     Teenagers from the past were very intelligent.

1.4.2. Reading

Read the text and then do the vocabulary andcomprehensionActivities that follow.

Teenagers are people whose age runs from thirteen to nineteen. This is an age in which the child tries it’s better to be seen and fights for recognition from others. This in many cases leads to conflicts with parents and guardians as teenagers ends up doing what adults consider incorrect.As for teenagers, they view their parents as outdated and too strict. Some even think that their parents do not want them to have fun or enjoy themselves.

1.4.3. Vocabulary

Match the words from the first column with a similar meaning in the right.

a) strict                                            1. talking

b) guardian                                      2. stern

c) chatting                                       3. principal

d) recognition                                  4. protector

e) dominant                                      5. Identification


1.4.4. Comprehension                 

Read the text again and answer the questions.

1. who are teenagers?

2. Why don't many teenagers agree with their parents?


1.4.5. Grammar


Second conditional

Use: to show an unreal situation and its probable result.

Form: If+ past simple, would/ wouldn't+ infinitive


a) If the Beatles were still together, I would go to their concert.

b) If I saw the ghost, I would talk to it.






Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.

1. If he ________ (have) money, he _____________

(buy) a fast car.

2. If it ______ (rain), they ________ (stay) at home.

3. If he _________(try) drugs, he ________ (be) sick.



















Activity 1.4.3. Vocabulary

1. strict      stern

2. guardian        protector

3. chatting           talking

4. recognition           identification

5. dominant               principal


Activity 1.4.4. Reading and comprehension

1. Teenagers are people whose age runs from thirteen to nineteen.

2. Because they view their parents as outdated and too strict.


Activity1.4.5. Grammar

1. had                       would buy

2. rained                    would stay

3. tried                        would be

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