
1. Who was the first president of Mozambique?

2. What do you know about him?

3.1.2. Reading

Read the text and then do the Activities that follow.

This picture was taken from the internet:

SamoraMachel was born in September 29, 1933, in Chilembene, Gaza province, in the south of Mozambique. Like the great majority of Mozambicans of his generation, he grew up in an agricultural village and attended mission elementary school. Machel completed the fourth grade, the pre requisite certificate for any higher education. Most youngsters aspired to complete elementary school and perhaps learn a skill, but most found it difficult. Machel's hopes for higher education were frustrated by catholic missionaries who refused to grant him a scholarship. Without financial assistance it was difficult for most Africans to pay school fees, room and transport.


grant- conceder

3.1.3. Comprehension

1. Where and when was SamoraMachel born?

2. Why was it difficult for SamoraMachel to get a higher education?


3.1.4. Grammar



Use the expression in bracket and write sentences in the past simple.

e.g. football/play/(last week)>Iplayed football last week.


1.cook/mother/rice/( three days ago)_______________________________________

2. school/ to/ Mara/walk/(some minutes ago)_______________________________________

3. eat/dinner/my/I/(some minutes ago)_______________________________________


Past simple (revision)

We use the following expressions with the past simple: yesterday, the day before yesterday, last night, last Monday, last week, last month, last year, a few minutes ago, two days ago, a month ago, and long ago.

e.g. SamoraMachel died many years ago.




Activity 3.1.3. Text comprehension

1. SamoraMachel was born in Chilembene, on September 29'1933, in Gaza province, in south of Mozambique.

2. Because he didn't have financial assistance.


Activity 3.1.4. Grammar

1.      My mother cooked rice.

2.      Mara walked to school some minutes ago.

3.      I ate my dinner some minutes ago.

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