Pre- reading

Practice these questions.

1. What would you like to be when you grow up?

2. Do you think your wish will easily come true?

2.2.2. Reading

Read the text and then do the reading comprehension Activities below.

Dreams that never come true

Many young ones dream of being someone in the future.Many of them spend their school days pursuing their dream life. However only few manage to see their dreams come true. These dreams fail because of a number of reasons.

2.2.3. Comprehension

Say if the statements are true (T) or false (F)

1. Many students spend their time dreaming. ______

2. All students' dreams come true. _______

3. Only the lucky ones manage to make their dream come true. ____

2.2.4. Grammar



In English there are two types of articles:

the- definite article: used to refer to specific or particular things.

>the USA, the pope, the sun,...

a/an- indefinite article: it is used to refer to non- particular nouns.

>let's go to a school. (it'sreferring to any school)



We use "a" with consonant sounds and "an" with vowel sound.

>a boy; an egg;...


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